Continuing the Diabolus
04 Jul
Today I’m back to showing the progress of the Diabolus. You’ve all seen the finished product, as I displayed it at the World Steam Expo back at the end of May. I want to finish the progression so you see how it was constructed.
I left off at showing you the fin support construction. I’ll now show you the fin hub which ties all the fins together aft of the propeller. This hub starts with a couple of simple repurposed plastic pieces; in this case, a couple peanut butter jar lids.
Peanut butter jar lids
Followed by a spray paint can lid and a laundry detergent cap…
Lids and caps
Lids and caps assembled
And then painted bronze and patina painted…
Painted fin hub
Finally, put in place and trimmed with stabilizers.
Fin hub with stabilizers
So, once again, finished piece looking nothing like the original repurposed pieces! Next I’ll show how I constructed the observation turrets.